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Knitting Milestones, etc.

Well, I've passed the midpoint on the baby blanket I'm knitting. For this pattern, you start with 3 stitches, and increase one every row. So the middle of the blanket is pretty wide. After that, you decrease one each row, so they start getting smaller. I am a few rows into the decreases now. I know the rows I've just done are still about the length of the last few I did before the midpoint, but they feel quicker. Probably a psychological thing: before the midpoint, you could theoretically keep increasing forever; after you start the decreases, there is a definite endpoint... 8^)

My Least Favorite Day

I've never liked April Fools' Day. Maybe it's because I'm the most gullible person ever, but the jokes that are subtle enough to be funny seem perfectly legit to me, and when I find out later it wasn't true, I'm dissappointed. The ones that are obvious enough for me to tell it's not true tend to be lame enough they aren't that funny. Okay, I'm dull. 8^)

I had a couple of things I was planning to try to take care of today, but I think I'm just going to skip it. Gonna go hide from the day now...

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Cranking on the blanket

It has, amazingly, been a fairly productive week. When it began, the baby blanket I have in progress had a mere 6 inches on it. It now is approximately a foot longer. If I can keep going at this rate, I may actually finish it on time. Also on my list of accomplishments are: doing enough cleaning and rearranging in KatyBeth's room to accommodate her crib (delivered by her grandpa, and assembled by him and Daddy) and making significant progress on whittling down Sara-yama (Dish Mountain, which has been sitting at the side of my sink for some time).

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Cool Site

Hi There! I am "Auntie Marj", Arazyr's sister, Katie Beth's Aunt and personal photographer. This is my first visit to the new Wildspace site, and I absolutely love your new site! What a wonderful idea. Katie Beth, always remember that your daddy is a genius!
Bye for now, Auntie Marj

Truth in Knitting

I'm going to admit right up front that I knit largely with (gasp!) acrylic. From various knitting podcasts I've listened to, and various knit blogs I've read, it seems that that places me "on the wrong side of the tracks", knitting-wise.

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We Have a New Hamster

Last month our hamster of 2 years, Cyrano a.k.a. Hammy, sadly passed on the same day that Sue was cramming for an exam. We finally got a new hamster on Holy Saturday (the day after Good Friday). This one is a female Black Bear hamster, apparently descended from the European show hamster. So far we aren't sure what she's named, but the tentative name is "Munchkin."

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This And That

KatieBeth had her 4-Month checkup this afternoon. The doctor (actually, Nurse Practitioner) said she looked perfect, which we've known since the start, of course. 8^)

I have changed my mind about part of what I was planning to use this new website for. I was originally going to use it as -- among other things -- a repository for some of my roleplaying game materials, but I don't think I'm going to put those here. I am setting up a "sub-site" for that stuff. I'm not ready to announce it and open it to the public yet, but I'll definitely mention it here when it is ready.

Happy Easter to All!

It has been a good day. Aside from getting up quite early to feed my baby girl, and not being able to get back to sleep much, before going to church, that is. I did manage to get a nap in, in the afternoon though. KatyBeth (yes, I spell my baby's nickname differently than her daddy, Arazyr, does) looked absolutely adorable (as she always does) in a pink spring dress that my mother bought her, and a little white sweater that Arazyr's mom made for her, though the latter is still actually a bit too big on her. This is Michigan, though, and on Friday, we had quite the load of snow.

Catching Up

So, I guess I should describe a bit of the current state of my life, for those who don't already know me... 8^)

I am currently job hunting. My last assignment with my latest contract house ended last November. They've had a few things come by since then, but none of them has actually turned into a new job yet. Just went on an interview this past Thursday, though, which sounds promising.

Job Hunting and Ravelry

I had an interview today. It was with a recruiter, concerning a position in Southfield. Sounds like a good deal. I hope this doesn't go the way of the last really cool potential job I heard about - that recruiter submitted my resume to their client, and I never heard from anybody, and the recruiter seemed to practically drop off the face of the earth, shortly afterwards.

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