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A long short day

I've had a mild headache, practically all day. ): Nothing I've tried seems to have worked for long, and it has made the rather short day (I was in bed, except for getting up to feed the baby a couple of times, until noon). My absolutely adorable baby girl, while she is a good baby, has been rather demanding of attention, today. I've really gotten nothing in particular done, other than a bit of knitting on a pair of socks for Arazyr.

Blog Terms: 

... and so it begins

Let's face it, my life full - quite full. I'm married (for nearly 7 years, now), have a beautiful baby girl (now just short of 4 months old), and am hunting for a job (I was doing contract work, and my contract got cut while I was on maternity leave).

The Lame First Blog Entry

I haven't read enough other blogs to know if this is a general trend, but it seems to be that most first posts to a blog are probably pretty lame, so I'm just going to admit it up front and get it over with. 8^)

I'll try to post more interesting comments and rants in the future...


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