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It has been a while since I blogged. Between juggling KatyBeth, interviewing, and working like crazy, trying to finish a couple of personal projects, I've been extremely busy. What are these personal projects, you might ask? Well, one is the VOXcast, and the other is a knitted doll, made to look like a certain VOX Grandmaster... (: "Mini-Lee" has been assembled, and I'm now working on the first outfit in his "wardrobe" - I'll post pictures, once he has a shirt to go with the pants he's wearing.

Blog Terms: 

"Interesting" Week

I actually have a few things to blog about... (My life just isn't usually interesting enough to post about very often. 8^)

Baby Talk

Well, KatyBeth's food hesitations appear to have merely been a stage. She has taken to sweet potatoes with gusto, and is back to slurping up applesauce as much as she does, everything else. Oatmeal has also been recently added, without so much as a batting of the eyelashes.

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Another Late Night

It is approximately 1:30 in the morning, as I sit to write this. KatyBeth is finally asleep in bed, hopefully for the night, though if she keeps going as she has been lately, she'll wake up somewhere around 3 or 4. I'll likely be all but dead on my feet for major portions of the day, sleeping when she sleeps, getting nothing done, but still, I sit here and blog and knit, instead of going to bed. Because now, when Arazyr and KatyBeth are in bed, is when I can unwind.


I'm really tired. KatyBeth has not been doing so well on the whole sleeping thing, of late, and she's been sort of attention-hungry, today. When being paid direct attention, she's been very happy and cute, but it has been over all a bit wearing on the mommy, here.

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Domestic stuff.

I really love everything domestic.

In my fantasy world, Tim and I have a big farmhouse, six kids, and we raise goats and bees. And sugar beets, maybe. I don't know.

I could make my own candles!

I really miss my VoX friends.

I would like to come out on Friday.

Anyone wanna let me and the sweet Kenny-Ken-Kens stay with them for the weekend?

Lullaby and Goodnight

It has been a rather full day. I got started on it rather later than I would have liked, but that's pretty standard, these days. Yesterday was Arazyr's and my 7th wedding anniversary. KatyBeth went to hang out with her grandma and grandpa for the evening, while we went out for dinner and a movie. We went to a Mongolian barbecue place for dinner, since it is the kind of place that is difficult, at best, to navigate with a baby along - might as well go while we could, we figured. The movie was "Iron Man".

Blog Terms: 

Job Update, etc.

Wow, it's been longer than I thought since I posted here.

Things have been going well at work. Things have been fairly slow -- they brought me in during the lull between segments of the project. The first segment is winding down, and the second is only just getting started. So I have mostly been keeping myself occupied with familiarizing myself with the background of the project, including the old version of the site, and several others that are being integrated. Also reading through design documentation and so forth. Every so often, some actual coding work comes in. 8^)

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For VOX Ears Only

If you're a VOX member, check out the attachment. If you're not a VOX member, it won't make any sense to you.

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