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Good News! (have I used this title yet?)

I have a couple pieces of good news to share today.

First, I have launched (another) new gaming materials website. This new site is called Excavated Esotera.

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So, I'm done with the antibiotics from the "health scare" a couple of weeks ago, and good riddance. That stuff left a weird taste in my mouth, and made other things taste weird too. 8^( Still having intermittant back trouble. And now, a few days ago, I did something to my left shoulder/neck area in the shower Thursday morning, and so now THAT has been sore for most of the weekend. Things like that are usually worst first thing in the morning -- today, it only felt about as bad as when I went to bed, so it seems to be getting better... >^|

"Interesting" Week

I actually have a few things to blog about... (My life just isn't usually interesting enough to post about very often. 8^)

Job Update, etc.

Wow, it's been longer than I thought since I posted here.

Things have been going well at work. Things have been fairly slow -- they brought me in during the lull between segments of the project. The first segment is winding down, and the second is only just getting started. So I have mostly been keeping myself occupied with familiarizing myself with the background of the project, including the old version of the site, and several others that are being integrated. Also reading through design documentation and so forth. Every so often, some actual coding work comes in. 8^)

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I'm A Breadwinner!

So, today was my first day at my new job, and the first time I've been working first time when my wife hasn't been. (As she just mentioned herself. 8^)

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Back to Work; Back needs work...

So, I just got an offer from one of the companies I interviewed at last week. It looks like a good opportunity, so I'm taking it. They want me to start next Tuesday! Sounds good to me. I like to have at least a few days to get things wrapped up at home before starting a new job.

The place that's made the offer is the geographically closest of the three places I interviewed at. It's just over in Dearborn, so it should only take about 20-30 minutes to drive between here and there. I like the sound of that. 8^)

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It Was a Busy Week...

Last week was a busy week. As I think I posted before, I ended up having one job interview each day last week. Phone interviews on Monday and Tuesday, then in-person interviews on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. (Two of those were "second interviews" coming out of the two phone interviews.)

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Miscellany in the wee hours

It's 1:00 am. I don't know why I'm still awake. I probably should be falling on my face, but I'm not... at least, not quite.

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Job Hunt Progress, etc.

Since my last blog entry, I had two more interviews scheduled for this week. Another phone interview this afteroon, and another in-person interview for tomorrow morning. That makes a total of four interviews this week: phone interview Monday, phone interview Tuesday, in-person interview Wednesday, in-person interview Thursday. Two down: the phone interviews both went pretty well. The one on Monday went so well that they want me to come in for a second; that's the new in-person interview for tomorrow (Wed).

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Blankets and Job Hunts and Baby - Oh My!

The "baby cousin blanket" is now nearly 30 inches long - I *might* actually get this done, in time! (: Yes, you saw that correctly - I do make my typed smilies backwards. I have done that since my college days, when I discovered that doing so made it easier to make a smiley sticking its tongue out in an impudent manner -> c(: Anyway, back to the blanket... One thing I find puzzling is the fact that it is measuring 37 inches wide, without the final edging. The pattern says it is supposed to end up 37 inches wide, AFTER the final edging. I swatched, I swear I did!

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