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Blankets and Job Hunts and Baby - Oh My!

The "baby cousin blanket" is now nearly 30 inches long - I *might* actually get this done, in time! (: Yes, you saw that correctly - I do make my typed smilies backwards. I have done that since my college days, when I discovered that doing so made it easier to make a smiley sticking its tongue out in an impudent manner -> c(: Anyway, back to the blanket... One thing I find puzzling is the fact that it is measuring 37 inches wide, without the final edging. The pattern says it is supposed to end up 37 inches wide, AFTER the final edging. I swatched, I swear I did! And I was right on! Ah, well... at least gauge isn't critical on a blanket.

In job hunt news, I had an interview, yesterday. I think it went pretty well. I guess we'll see. I'm not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing that one portion of the interviewing ended up doing more digressing on random interesting topics than discussing the sort of thing I was under the impression was meant to be discussed. We did manage to relate most of the discussion to work-related stuff, though. (: I tell you, though, I'm now at least nominally working with so many recruiters and contract houses that I'm starting to lose track of what is on the burner with which place, even with notes. One that I recently started talking to asked me if I was working with any other recruiters and I told her, "Yes - several." She asked which ones. I admit that I laughed. I told her I'd have to fire up my computer, and take a look at my notes. I'm really hoping that SOMETHING turns into something solid for either Arazyr or me, soon, because I'm really getting tired of the shoestring budget.

On a cheerful note, though, my baby girl is starting to laugh, more often! :D (Ok, my grinning faces are the right way around). There is nothing in the world that brightens a day quite like a laughing baby! (:

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