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Back to Work; Back needs work...

So, I just got an offer from one of the companies I interviewed at last week. It looks like a good opportunity, so I'm taking it. They want me to start next Tuesday! Sounds good to me. I like to have at least a few days to get things wrapped up at home before starting a new job.

The place that's made the offer is the geographically closest of the three places I interviewed at. It's just over in Dearborn, so it should only take about 20-30 minutes to drive between here and there. I like the sound of that. 8^)

In other news, my back went out late last week. After one of the interviews, I got up from the table we were sitting at and my back was hurting. I don't know if it was just a bad chair, or I just moved wrong and did something to it, but it's been hurting ever since. I've been able to carry the baby around, but it's been difficult. I called my chiropractor yesterday, but the earliest they can get me in is tomorrow. I have the appointment -- very glad they can at least see me once before I go back to work...

One of my friends told me last night that he is on Facebook, and had heard from some of our other college friends there, so I signed up last night. If you know me, you'll know how to find me there. 8^) I've already had a few old friends accept my 'friend requests'. I'm looking forward to getting more! Of course, I'm hoping any of my old friends will get the URL to this site from there and come join up here as well. Ulterior Motive Mad strikes again... 8^)

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