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Arazyr's blog

Thought (rant?) for the day. (Inspired by a conversation with a colleague.)

And, yes, I realize I've probably said this before in different media/contexts/situations/etc., but I wanted to get it in writing somewhere accessible.

It seems to me that, the smarter the proverbial "they" try to make computers, the dumber they end up being. If just because, by trying to help you do things, they have to try to anticipate what you want to do. But in doing that, they just make it harder to do things DIFFERENTLY.

Awesome Sci-Fi Idea

So, I had an amazing idea in the shower this morning. It's something that I don't expect to come about in my lifetime in reality, but I don't know why sci-fi writers haven't thought of it. (Okay, maybe some have, but not anything I remember reading, hearing, watching, etc.)

Good News! (have I used this title yet?)

I have a couple pieces of good news to share today.

First, I have launched (another) new gaming materials website. This new site is called Excavated Esotera.

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New or Used

So, we're officially spreading the news now: my wife and I have baby #2 on the way now. 8^) Current due date is 15 Feb 2010. We've had the "Nurse History Appontment", which was little more than an orientation and paperwork. The first ultrasound is scheduled for this afternoon. This one is just to try to pinpoint the fetal age, and verify how many are in there. 8^) It'll be a few more weeks until we can find out the gender. This time, we're thinking about actually TELLING people the gender before the baby is born.

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It's been HOW long?!?

Wow, it's been nearly a year since I posted a blog entry. Not a very good blogger, am I? 8^) Guess I've just been too busy / haven't thought of much to say. So, what am I up to? I've had computer issues. Been working on an RPG website. Taking care of my daughter. Working, and having a transition there. Playing RPGs. Playing Facebook games. 8^) Knitting, etc.


So, I'm done with the antibiotics from the "health scare" a couple of weeks ago, and good riddance. That stuff left a weird taste in my mouth, and made other things taste weird too. 8^( Still having intermittant back trouble. And now, a few days ago, I did something to my left shoulder/neck area in the shower Thursday morning, and so now THAT has been sore for most of the weekend. Things like that are usually worst first thing in the morning -- today, it only felt about as bad as when I went to bed, so it seems to be getting better... >^|

"Interesting" Week

I actually have a few things to blog about... (My life just isn't usually interesting enough to post about very often. 8^)

Job Update, etc.

Wow, it's been longer than I thought since I posted here.

Things have been going well at work. Things have been fairly slow -- they brought me in during the lull between segments of the project. The first segment is winding down, and the second is only just getting started. So I have mostly been keeping myself occupied with familiarizing myself with the background of the project, including the old version of the site, and several others that are being integrated. Also reading through design documentation and so forth. Every so often, some actual coding work comes in. 8^)

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I'm A Breadwinner!

So, today was my first day at my new job, and the first time I've been working first time when my wife hasn't been. (As she just mentioned herself. 8^)

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I Have A New Little Nephew!

Born around 6:00 this morning, my sister's (Auntie Marj) newest son. More details later, after I get them. (My sister sounded kind-of out of it this morning when she called me to let me know, so I didn't press her for any details. 8^)

We just went to visit my sister, new baby, and the daddy in the hospital. Everybody is doing fine. Baby is tiny, but we were expecting that. Seems to be normal for the daddy's side of the family...

Born: 18 April 2008
Time: 6:08 a.m.
Weight: 4 lb., 14 oz.
Length: 18 3/4 in.

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