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My Sleep Schedule is Pretty Much Shot

My sleep schedule (and I use the term "schedule" loosely, here) has been really whacked out, of late. KB often keeps me up rather late, but usually I can get in bed by long about 1am. However, going from Saturday to Sunday, I spent hours lying in bed, with thoughts whirling through my head so much I couldn't fall asleep. I ended up getting up around 4:45 to knit for a while. I went back to bed, and finally managed to fall asleep around 6am. You know, I have NO recollection of what project I was knitting on. Anyway, Sunday to Monday, I had a remotely normal waking/sleeping cycle. Monday to Tuesday was nothing remotely like normal. By the time I got really up and going for the day, it was 2pm. Now, that said, I did NOT actually sleep all the way through from whenever it was I went to bed (I think around 2-2:30am) - I was awake for a few hours, on and off, in there, to feed and play with KB, until she dropped off again, so I could sleep. I really have no idea what the exact division of waking versus sleeping hours were.

My big accomplishment for the day yesterday was making a run to the bank and the store, once again collecting the bored Kichio on the way. ...Well, ok, I guess I did put a dent in the accumulating pile of dishes, while the egg for my brunch boiled. I also started yet ANOTHER knitting project. If you're on Ravelry, and check my projects page, you'd see that this makes 6 active works in progress, plus 3 "hibernating" ones. I'm trying to finish some, really I am - I finished the experimental felted backpack, yesterday. It didn't shrink as much length-wise as I'd anticipated, leaving it a very long, thin backpack, but... maybe it will do well holding a 1-pound skein of something. But, as you may have surmised from my previous statements, I cast on yet another project - a baby sweater for an expectant relative of mine.

One thing I've never been able to understand entirely is my apparent near-inability to leave a pattern alone. I do the same thing with recipes, when I'm cooking - what I end up doing only bears only so much resemblance to the instructions in front of me. I started by browsing Ravelry for baby sweater patterns. I found one by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, the Yarn Harlot, herself, from a past issue of Knitty, and decided that I liked the variety of options the pattern presented. I started my swatch, thinking I might add some little cables to it, somehow. (Yes, I actually swatched - something I never used to do, but I'm trying to get better about that). Before I was done with the swatch, I decided that I preferred a ribbed edging, rather than a seed stitched one. Then, I noticed that there was a one-stitch decrease listed, for the size of sweater I'd be working on, and decided that one extra stitch wouldn't make any difference, for what I was doing. Then, I decided I was going to do the body up to the arm holes, then do the sleeves, and then attach them as I go... I guess about the only thing I'm really using from the original pattern is the gauge, and the number of stitches to cast on. So, uh... thanks for that, Stephanie.

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