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One of These Days, I Need To Do An Entry on Just One Topic

I did not, in fact, end up getting any writing done, on Wednesday. My major accomplishment for the day was grocery shopping (and a trip to the library) in the pouring rain. This was rendered more bearable by drafting a friend to come along to help me keep an eye on KatyBeth, when needed, allowing me to do things like run back to a previous aisle to get something I missed, sans cart, or to make a mad dash through the downpour, to get to the car, and then just bring it around, instead of having to lug probably about 18 pounds of car seat and baby through the deluge. I did end up having to drop said friend off at home, before returning home, myself, so I had to unload the car solo, but... I'll take what I can get. The trip to the library was to get a couple of books on American Sign Language - I've read a lot about the benefits of signing to a baby, so I figured I might as well give it a try. We've been joking since Day One that things will be much easier once KB can say "Pants, Mommy!", so... I've started with "change pants". We'll see how it goes. Already, she seems to enjoy watching me sign at her - I get big smiles, even though she couldn't possibly have picked up on any meanings, yet.

I suppose that I should probably be trying to write, now, as KB is down for a nap, but... I'm trying to get the socks I'm working on done. Or at least, further on their way. Earlier this evening, I ended up ripping back several rows, while Arazyr juggled a squeaky baby. I was trying to avoid what I call the "pain in the keister" row - a pattern row which uses three colors - I can handle two at a time, easily enough, but three is... well, a pain in the keister. So, I had this brilliant idea to just sort of skip one of the colors in that row, and then go back and use duplicate stitch to fill in the least-used color... it ended up being a worse pain in the keister than the pain in the keister row, so... I ended up tearing back several rows - enough that just using the 'tink'ing method was not especially practical. Then, of course, came trying to pick all the stitches back up - quite a trick, on size 1 needles.

It figures that in the middle of writing the previous paragraph, I heard squeaking from the other end of the house - yup, baby woke up, and was not especially happy about it. I changed her, gave her some baby cereal, and she's still squeaky. Arazyr is pacing the floor with her, again, as she tries to cram her fingers in his mouth. She's been doing that a fair amount, lately, when someone is trying to lull her to sleep - she'll only calm down, and drift off, with her fingers at the lips of the person carrying her. Strange child. (:

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