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Trying to Gather Steam

I'm a bit tired. I'm down to the last few sniffles of my cold, so I'm back to attempting to get things done. Yesterday involved a lot of running around - a doctor appointment, an impromptu visit to my mother's office (I was passing it, and thought "why not?" - much showing off of the baby by her proud grandma ensued (: ), and a trip to the store that involved KatyBeth's first ride in a shopping cart sans car seat. I kept a hand on her, as she still needs a little support to sit, but it worked pretty well, and I just didn't feel up to lugging the car seat around, much more, that day - KB's getting pretty big, and carrying her out away from the body, the way the car seat more or less demands is getting increasingly difficult. Anyway, I managed to squeeze a little bit of knitting in around playing with the baby, in the afternoon, and then was dinner at my mother-in-law's house. (The finished chewy cloth - 11.5"X~19.5" - was given to my sister-in-law. There ended up being no need to go two-tone on it.)

Today mostly involved paying bills and, as always, taking care of, and playing with, KatyBeth. Again, managed to squeeze in a bit of knitting on a pair of socks, and listen to some knitting podcasts in the background - I caught up with Stash & Burn, today. (When I start with a podcast, I have to start with the earliest episode I can get a hold of, and listen sequentially, all the way through). I didn't manage to get much else done around the house, but I really shouldn't complain, as doing the accounts was a pretty good "thing" to have gotten done. The dishes will have to be tackled another day.

I'm still hoping to resume writing, soon. I'm going to try to spend one of KB's naps tomorrow, at the keyboard. My test audience my well get a shock - an update, after months and months of nothing! Hmm... I'll have to start a forum thread for story comments and discussion... The more I think about it, the more I like that idea! (:

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