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Oh, Sweet Productivity...

Today (ok, technically yesterday, at this point), I managed to get several things done that I'd been wanting to do, for varying lengths of time. While the morning was spent playing with KB, and resting, in the early afternoon I dropped by my mother's office, to deliver her stitch markers, which (once I told her what they were) she seemed to quite like. Now, I had planned on only making it a 5 minute visit - make the delivery, and get out of her way, but she was on a break from a meeting when I got there (she works in academia), and a bout of "must show the granddaughter to everybody that happens to be in the office" ensued. At one point, we ended up right outside the room where the meeting was being held, with half a dozen or so ladies all gathered around my mother and KB, gushing about what a pretty baby she is. Apparently, they all have wonderful taste. (;

As a side note to the above, this morning I put a little barrette with a butterfly on it in KB's hair. When we got into Mom's office, I noticed it was missing. I have no idea what became of it - I could swear she had it, when we left the house, but it doesn't seem to be in the car, it isn't in her car seat, and we didn't stop anywhere else, in between. My daughter, Houdini...

Anyway, after grabbing a few items at the grocery store, we picked up "Uncle" Kichio (a young friend of mine), and he did some yardwork and then amused KB while I did some dishes and made homemade granola, applesauce, and got the most elaborate dinner I've made in a long time going. It felt good to get stuff done, and that is added to by the fact that the lawn has now been mown, and the house no longer looks like it is being eaten by ivy. Now, if I could just get so productive a day, on the knitting front...

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